Monday, January 7, 2008

ELCA Does Not Equal Liberal Catholic

A prior comment thought that this blog sounded a lot like the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) church of which s/he used to be a member. While I am whole-heartedly in favor of greater ecumenical relations, for our two denominations to have a lot in common, there is at least on striking difference - Christian anthropology.

Despite what some Catholics say, traditional Catholic teaching states that we are basically good individuals. We are a little off course and we could use some of God's grace and liberation to put us back on track. Lutheran theology (and even every liberal Lutheran pastor I've met) states that we are like a piece of dung - basically deplorable to God. It is faith in the paschal mystery that allows us (dung that we are) to be covered with a layer of white beautiful snow. We look pretty now in the eyes of God, but underneath, we are still rather repulsive. And while Catholic theology is very diverse, Lutheran theology is very much rooted in this Christian anthropology that I cannot buy into. Since the commenter did not share any other personal info, I can only assume they may be ignorant of this difference in Catholic and Lutheran theology and joined the Catholic church because of the its erroneous teaching about apostolic succession or the like.

A Faithful Catholic


Terrence Berres said...

Catechism of the Catholic Church 403: "Following St. Paul, the Church has always taught that the overwhelming misery which oppresses men and their inclination towards evil and death cannot be understood apart from their connection with Adam's sin and the fact that he has transmitted to us a sin with which we are all born afflicted, a sin which is the 'death of the soul'" ...

You: "We are a little off course and we could use some of God's grace and liberation to put us back on track."

ELCA FAQ: "'Sin' describes not so much individual acts of wrongdoing as fractured relationships between the people of creation and God. Our every attempt to please God falls short of the mark."

Dad29 said...

Well, Terry, it all looks the same to me--just like homosex marriage looks just like heterosex marriage.

Must be that "darkening" that prevents you from seeing it, eh?

Terrence Berres said...

The Eschaton's so bright, I gotta wear shades...