Friday, May 28, 2010

Fr. Roy Bourgeois Keeping Busy...

Fr. Roy Bourgeois, who the Vatican excommunicated recently because of his involvement at the ordination of a woman, is keeping busy. There is a video on youtube that documents a talk that he gave recently to a group of faithful Catholics to hear about the calling of women to the priesthood in the Catholic Church.

The video is broken up into about two 9-minute segments:

Part 1 Part 2

As Fr. Roy states, "There will never be justice in our Catholic Church until women can be ordained." To paraphrase Fr. Roy, at present, women are sitting at the back of the Catholic bus. I thank Fr. Roy for his witness and his sacrifice in standing up for the rights of God. God has a right to call certain women to the priesthood. Who are we to deny God? And while I am sure that Fr. Roy will be all right in the end, his excommunication is taking him out of a world of security that exists for priests. That sacrifice is very admirable and appreciated. Once again, thank you Fr. Roy.

A Faithful Catholic


CatholicSoldier said...

Fr. Ray Bourgeois is risking his eternal salvation. There are serious issues with his continued obstinance as he removes himself from the Roman Catholic Church.

A recent excommunicate woman (who falsely claimed to be an ordained priest) died and was denied a Catholic burial because of her excommunication.

Ordinatio Sacredotalis makes it fundamentally clear that it is not within the Catholic Church's competance to permit the ordination of women. Women cannot be priests, but that does not negatively impact their dignity. John Paul II's Mulieris Dignitatem makes that abundantly clear.

Juliana said...

Whenever I'm at an event with Father Roy, I'm always amazed at his commitment and sincerity.

Keep telling truth to power father Roy!

Dad29 said...

As I recall, THE Truth obeyed THE Power.

But maybe J-Chair's Bible is different.

Unknown said...


Your problem is that you are using your Bible.

It's sad, but its not like Fr. Roy and the female "Catholic Priests" he works with even utilize the Bible or anything resembling traditional Orthodox Christianity. In many ways their are the heirs of the old Gnostic heresies returned from seventeen centuries.

Anonymous said...

After reading some of the entries in your blog I cannot believe that you call youself "a faithful catholic". Most of what you right is extremley negative and critical of hard-working priests, bishops, or the Pope. And then the one priest you show support to is excommunicated on such a blatant lack of obedience to church teaching....

You ask, how can we deny women called to be priests? Well, first and foremost being a "faithful catholic" means that we put full trust in Christ's promise that the Spirit would always remain with the church. Individual priests and Popes may have not been perfect, but we have to trust that the Spirit is guiding the teachings of the church to the truth. That includes the teachings on the priesthood. This tradition has remained intact throughout the church, and being "a faithful catholic" myself, I trust that it is because the will of God. If God truly wanted to call women to be priests I think the Spirit would have led the church in the right direction.

I'm truly dissapointed to see these comments coming out of someone calling themself a faithful catholic. I'm a theology major at a catholic college in Milwaukee (a female student) and I feel called to work for the church, in obedience to the church's teaching. I thank God for the young catholics in my generation who are turning back to being faithful to the church and choosing to pray for the leaders and the guidance of the Spirit rather than criticize church authority based on our own flimsy opinoins. I pray for you and all catholics who refuse to accept the truth of the church in obedience as our Lord asks of us.
God bless.