There was a comment on one of my earlier blogs from a Lincoln native who fully supports Bishop Bruskewitz. Fabian Bruskewitz is originally from the Milwaukee Archdiocese. I checked out his blog and found myself rather disturbed. He has a Bruskewitz quote on his blog. I can't guarantee that Brusketwitz actaully said or wrote it, but it's obvious that the supports this point of view and it sounds like something Fabian would say:
"The Catholic Church teaches that all homosexual acts and any sexual abuse of minors or others are mortal sins," Bruskewitz said in the statement. "Such sins and heinous crimes should be appropriately punished by the authorities of the church and the state."I find it particularly disturbing how gay adult sex is considered in the same breath as sexual abuse of minors, as if they were the same thing. I suppose the blogger and Bruskewitz are both saying that they would be just as disturbed by hearing that their adult sister had consenstual sex with another woman as they would be by hearing that their 6 year-old niece was raped by a 50 year-old man. It's this type of outdated poorly thought out pre-Vatican II moral theology that is making it a simple decision for young adults to leave the Catholic Church.
I must thank the blogger for one thing though. I am very grateful this day that Timothy Dolan is the Archbishop of Milwaukee
A Faithful Catholic
"The Catholic Church teaches that all homosexual acts and any sexual abuse of minors or others are mortal sins,"
You state that you are glad Abp Dolan is our Archbishop.
Are you implying that Abp Dolan does NOT subscribe to the sentence above, or some part of it?
If Bishop B could here get results proportional to these, we'd be faced with the problem of what to do with hundreds of seminarians.
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